Fall protection systems have come a long way over the years. These systems are used on work sites with elevated heights to prevent workers from falling or stopping a fall as it begins to happen. According to Safety + Health, 54% of workers killed between 1982 and 2015 didn't have access to a fall protection system, and 23% had access but didn't use it. If you want to protect against falls, check out some of the different systems used today.
The goal of a fall arrest system is to stop a fall as soon as it begins. Using a harness, a lanyard, and anchor points, fall arrest systems essentially catch you as you start to fall so you don't hit anything on your way down. Be sure to ask about the different options available, as some fall arrest systems also fall under the banner of the other two as well.
There are a few different types of fall prevention systems. These fall protection systems use things like guardrails, toe boards, and harnesses to help prevent falls before they happen. Getting caught by a harness as you're falling isn't a great feeling, so preventing falls in the first place is a better way to go. Be sure to inquire about the user-friendliness of the different options to pick one that works best for the people using them.
Fall restraint act to hinder a person's ability to access the area of the site that has a drop-off or an edge. These systems have the greatest impact on the user's ability to freely move around the site, so it's important to have the organization installing the fall protection systems fully outline the areas where movements are restricted. The more you work to plan the installation, the greater success they will have on a job site.
Now that you know more about some of the popular fall protection systems, you can start taking steps to make sure you and your workers are protected. Working at elevated heights is dangerous when you don't take the proper safety precautions, so take some time to figure out which fall protection system suits your needs and implement it. If you need help choosing a fall protection system, call Northland Safety Solutions LLC today, or visit our website to request our services!
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